The Community Atmosphere Model with Chemistry (CAM-chem) is a component of the NCAR Community Earth System Model (CESM) and is used for simulations of global tropospheric and stratospheric atmospheric composition. Chemistry in CAM-chem is based on the MOZART family of chemical mechanisms, with various choices of complexity for tropospheric and stratospheric chemistry. The first version of CAM-chem is described in Lamarque et al. (2012). An overview of CESM2, which is based on CAM6, is provided by Danabasoglu et al. (2020), with details of the chemistry described in Emmons et al. (2020) and the secondary organic aerosols in Tilmes et al. (2019). CAM6-chem uses the MAM4 modal aerosol model (Liu et al., 2016).
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Glossary for **new users**
Release Versions and Compsets
Easy Changes and Common ResourcesChanging Dates of Run
Changing Emissions InputChanging Output (time and species)Defining Meteorology for specified dynamics (on met field levels)Physics-based nudging to meteorology reanalyses (on model levels)Restart FilesClone a CaseCreate a BranchAll CAM Namelist Variables
Advanced ChangesUpdating Gas-phase Chemistry (including kinetics, deposition, aerosol uptake, etc.)
Tagging CO and simple tracers
CAM-chem with regional refinement: MUSICAModel Component DescriptionsWet Deposition
Dry Deposition
Gas-phase Chemistry
Emission Inventories
Data AssimilationOnline Interactive EmissionsBiogenic Emissions from CLM-MEGANOnline Air-Sea Interface for Soluble Species (OASISS)
Use and DiagnosticsBoundary conditions for regional modelingAutomated CESM diagnostic package
Using CAM-chem output
CAM-chem Publications from UCAR
CESM PublicationsOther links and documentsUpdates Development Blog
CAM Documentation (User and Scientific Guides)ACOM CAM-chem pageCESM Chemistry Climate Working GroupJoin the CESM mailing listBenchmarks and Production Experiment DiagnosticsReport an error with the wiki
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